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Writer's pictureCharles Edge

When to share passwords with a significant other

It’s more important than ever to protect our online privacy. But what happens when we're in a relationship? Should we share our passwords with our loved ones? This can be as simple or complicated answer as we want, or need it to be.

There are pros and cons to both sharing and not sharing passwords. On the one hand, sharing passwords can build trust and intimacy. It can also be helpful in emergency situations, such as if one partner is incapacitated and needs the other to access their accounts.

On the other hand, sharing passwords can also lead to privacy concerns. If your partner is abusive or controlling, they could use your passwords to spy on you or even steal your identity. Additionally, sharing passwords can make it easier for hackers to access your accounts. Further, people with compliance requirements might not be allowed to share certain credentials and despite our best intentions might face steep consequences for doing so. Sharing the Netflix password in case it needs to be re-entered while your partner is in the midst of a binge is one thing, but sharing all your life’s history might be an entirely other thing!

So, when should you share passwords with your significant other? It really depends on your individual relationship and circumstances. If you're in a healthy, trusting relationship, and you're both comfortable with sharing passwords, then go for it. But if you're not sure, it's probably best to err on the side of caution and keep your passwords to yourself.

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to share passwords with your significant other:

  • The length of your relationship. If you've only been dating for a few months, it's probably too soon to start sharing passwords. But if you've been together for a year or more, and you're both committed to the relationship, then sharing passwords may be a good idea.

  • Your level of trust. If you don't trust your partner, then sharing passwords is a bad idea. But if you have a strong foundation of trust, then sharing passwords can be a way to show your commitment to the relationship.

  • Your individual comfort levels. Some people are more comfortable sharing passwords than others. If you're not comfortable sharing your passwords, then don't do it. There's no right or wrong answer, it's all about what feels right for you.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to share passwords with your significant other is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and what works for one couple may not work for another. The most important thing is to communicate with your partner and come to a decision that you're both comfortable with.

Once a password is shared, it should be changed in order to unshare it. For example, shards to a password can be shared from Secret Chest. Once a user accesses it, it’s incredibly difficult to say with certainty that revoking their shards will remove the credential. Maybe they used auto fill and then clicked “Show Password” and wrote it down or took a screenshot. Secret Chest can certainly remove a credential and provide a list of those shared to an individual to make it easier, but the more credentials shared, the harder a breakup can be!

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