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Writer's pictureCharles Edge

Installing The Latest MongoDB On A Mac

MongoDB is a database renowned for its flexibility and scalability. Traditionally, databases store data in rigid rows and columns, like neatly organized spreadsheets. MongoDB flips the script, embracing a document-oriented approach. Think of it as storing your data in flexible JSON-like documents, filled with key-value pairs and nested structures that mimic real-world objects.

This document-style organization unlocks a world of possibilities:

  • Intuitive and Flexible: Data feels natural, reflecting the relationships and hierarchy present in real-world objects. No more shoehorning complex data into rigid tables.

  • Scalability to the Nth Degree: As your data grows, MongoDB effortlessly scales without sacrificing performance. Think of it as expanding your digital library without needing a new building.

  • Querying with Ease: Say goodbye to complex SQL queries. MongoDB uses plain English-like queries, making it easier to find the information you need.

MongoDB isn't just about fancy document storage. It boasts a trove of additional features:

  • High Performance: Designed for speed and efficiency, MongoDB handles even the most demanding data workloads with ease. Think of it as a data race car, leaving traditional databases in the dust.

  • Rich Ecosystem: A vibrant community and a plethora of tools and libraries extend MongoDB's capabilities far and wide. Think of it as an endless buffet of plugins and add-ons for your data feast.

  • Cloud-Ready: Whether you choose to host it yourself or embrace the cloud, MongoDB seamlessly integrates with various cloud platforms, offering flexibility and convenience.

While MongoDB shines in many situations, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some scenarios where it truly excels:

  • Dynamic and Evolving Data: If your data constantly changes structure and relationships, MongoDB's flexibility will be your best friend. Think of it as a database that can adapt and grow alongside your evolving needs.

  • Big Data and Web Applications: Handling massive datasets or powering real-time web applications?MongoDB's scalability and performance make it a perfect choice. Imagine scaling your app to millions of users without breaking a sweat.

  • Content Management Systems and E-commerce: MongoDB seamlessly integrates with content management systems like Drupal and e-commerce platforms, powering dynamic websites and personalized experiences.

We chose Mongo for our web backend mostly because we got a bunch of things for free. We can treat a record as a json document, so we cut out a step of parsing sql in our code, which makes things faster. When we say shard map, it's basically a json document with a bunch of IDs and strings. Mongo was also flexible, and with Atlas, hosted. But we also need to run it on our development machines. So we had to install it on a Mac. Let's look at that process.

Before installing MongoDB, make sure to have the following:

  • A Mac running macOS Mojave (10.14) or later.

  • The Homebrew package manager. Download and install it from

Step 1: Brew Tap & Install

Open the Terminal application and enter the following command to bring forth the Homebrew repository:

brew tap mongodb/brew

This allows you to access the official MongoDB Homebrew tap. Now, to summon MongoDB itself, type:

brew install mongodb-community@6.0

Or just use this one to install the latest (7.0.3 as of the time of this writing).

brew install --cask gcollazo-mongodb

Note that Homebrew automatically manages dependencies, so no additional downloads are necessary.

Step 2: Activating the Database (Brew Services Start)

With MongoDB installed, it's time to awaken its slumbering power. Enter the following command to activate the MongoDB service:

brew services start mongodb-community@5.0 

Or if using the gcollazo cask:

brew services start gcollazo-mongodb

Again, adjust the version number if needed. You should receive a confirmation message upon successful activation.

Step 3: Checking the Connection

To ensure your digital domain is secure, it's time to verify your connection. Open a new Terminal window and type:


If all is well, you should be greeted with a prompt similar to:

> MongoDB shell connected to "admin" at ::ffff:

Congratulations, adventurer! You have successfully installed and activated MongoDB Community Edition on your Mac. Now keep the following in mind:

  • Setting Up a Data Directory: By default, MongoDB stores data in /data/db. You can change this location by passing the --dbpath flag during installation (e.g., brew install mongodb-community@6.0 --dbpath /my/custom/location).

  • Securing Your Database: MongoDB comes with basic security settings. Consider implementing stronger authentication and access control measures for production environments.

  • Exploring Resources: The official MongoDB documentation is your treasure trove of knowledge. Refer to for in-depth guides, tutorials, and best practices.

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